Steven Tabbutt
Biography ▼

Having spent most of his childhood in North and South Carolina on military bases, Steven Tabbutt remained down South at Savannah College of Art and Design for his BFA before heading up North to SVA for his Masters in 2006. Right from the outset, Steven amassed an amazing number of awards. He has been awarded medals in such institutions/publications as The Society of Illustrators, SILA, 3X3, Creative Quarterly, Spectrum Fantastic Art, and Illustrative Berlin’s Young Illustrator’s award. In 2011 The Savannah College of Art and Design awarded him their Distinguished Alumni Award.
While his illustration career is receiving accolades, Steven is also building a strong following in the gallery world. He has exhibited work with galleries nationally and internationally, in such cities as New York, Paris, Berlin, London, Brussels, and Tokyo. In addition, Steven has lectured at the first Annual 3X3 Nuts & Bolts Conference and art schools including SVA, Emily Carr University of Art and Design, and SCAD. He currently teaches at the Fashion Institute of Technology in the AAS, BFA, BE, and MFA Illustration programs.
Steven has a clear vision about his work: “My current work combines classical painting with graphic mark making to create a fantasy reality with logic and rules all its own. I draw influences from lexicons of history, folklore, and fairy tales, and mine the invented histories and characters of past work for self-referential cues.”