Rene Milot
Biography ▼

René Milot brings his boundless energy and years of communications to solving visual problems with elegant, realistic oil painting. Working in oils or digitally, both mediums have garnered him an impressive list of international honors.
As both an instructor and illustrator, René addresses work with humor and pragmatism. His college illustration courses and lectures are touted as ‘Everything you’ve always wanted to know about illustration and your other teachers were afraid to tell you.’ Clients appreciate his creativity coupled with straight forward professionalism. René approaches every project with the same dedication: as an image-maker his aim is always to respect the essence of the message and convey a visual solution that engages the viewer.
For René, work and play must be closely related: ‘mens sana in corpore sanum’ (a healthy mind in a healthy body). When he has the chance, he relishes the excitement of windsurfing, mountain biking and snowboarding. After long hours of painting, he enjoys ending the day with friends around great food and of course wine.